Manipulative men signs: How to recognize a manipulative or controlling relationship?
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The terms above are just some of the words that you could have typed on a search engine before I arriving to this post: maybe you think you are in a manipulative relationship, or  maybe you're just conducting general research on manipulative men signs. It is absolutely hard to be in a manipulative relationship, but first, you need detection. At first, you might feel like you're not even in a manipulative relationship  but it isn't until something really huge happens that you finally admit that you are in a manipulative relationship All the manipulative men signs can vary from men to men 'cause each one is different. However, here you can find some particular examples of manipulative men signs: Check out what happens on Life is Like a Box of Chocolates, an Inspirational Novel:
manipulative men signs / manipulative relationship / how to recognize a manipulative or controlling relationship
How to recognize a manipulative or controlling relationship?
  • Do you feel like you can't be yourself anymore within the relationship?
  • Does it always go his / her way?
  • Does him / her seem too  jealous or too possessive?
  • Does he or she constantly say: "I'm sorry, I'll never do it again," but keeps reflecting the same unacceptable behavior?
  • Do you seem to become sometimes defensive when someone asks you about how well your relationship is going?
Those are just only some of the ways you can be able to recognize a manipulative or controlling relationship. Now, if you think that you are in a manipulative relationship and you're asking yourself, ho to change a manipulative person, the truth is that it's extremely hard to change a manipulative person! I'm not a therapist, but it's never healthy to be in a manipulative relationship.

I really hope that you enjoy reading my novel when it comes out, and I hope it helps many women and men out there recognize whether they are in a manipulative relationship or not. The first thing that a manipulation victim needs to do is work on himself / herself, love himself/ herself, and make the right choices by knowing when to end a manipulative relationship. This post is open to discussion, so feel free to open up about the subject. Do you have a story to share? I'd love to hear about it. Thanks!

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