Salvation Army crisis: Click to help.
The Salvation Army in Florida serving Lee, Hendry and Glades Counties reported that last year they served 14, 000 meals, according to Wink News in Florida. They expect this number to go a lot higher in 2011, which is abolutely alarming. Line many other homeless people, Terry Norberg is a homeless man who lost his job where the restaurant that he worked at closed.  That's why he is part of his local Salvation Army meals program. The Salvation Army has reported a 25% increase in serving meals since year 2009, and mostly it is because of the way that the economy has impacted the country. In honor of the homeless, and in honor of those who were homeless and died due to hunger, beatings, lack of medical attention, and others,  the subject will be depicted on a fraction of Life is Like a Box of Chocolates: An Inspirational Novel.

Post presented by: Whoops, it is what it is!

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