Some of you that already have gone through some of the features on my website may already have noticed that I have dedicated a section to those cases that take an important role as far as inspiring me to write down this story. Today, I'm  presenting the subject: Domestic Violence. Here's a very interesting video I found on You Tube that I'd love you to watch. In Life is Like a Box of Chocolates: An Inspirational Novel the main character goes through constant struggles in multiple and sometimes surprising ways to avoid certain situations escalate  to a severe level of domestic violence... but it all comes down to something that is more complicated than what she thought. "And what was that? You're probably asking yourself." When you read the novel you will know exactly what I'm talking about. Stay tuned!
2/4/2011 11:51:44 pm

It is so very common. I dated a man yrs ago who, it turns out lied about every part of him. Lied about his education, age, job, a promotion, a move to another city. (Turns out it was all a big game.) The night before he was supposed to "move" he took me out to the middle of a strange park that night. (I was new to the city, coming from a small town. The only thing I knew was that this part was very dangerous at night.) And he forced me to do something sexually for him I didn't want to do. Then he disappeared from my life. A friend of mine recognized his face a few days later when he'd walked into the admissions office of the college she worked in. She looked up his info. That's how I found out everything was a lie. No truth to anything he'd ever said in the months we dated. Then I found out all of these friends of his and even the father of one of the friends (who happened to be a coworker) were in on the "joke." The coworker told a bunch of people I worked with about this. He laughed as he told the story. (Others didn't.) And months later after "moving" this man called me back acting like nothing had ever happened. When I told him I knew the truth (that he didn't move, there was no job or promotion and that I even knew his REAL grade point average.) He went crazy and told me he was going to come to my place and kill me. I was scared for my life for months.

2/5/2011 12:02:29 am

Probably weird of me to share that. Just that I felt like I could. And if some girl who's been through something similar has that happened, I hope she feels less alone if she reads this. Because all these years, I've felt horribly alone. I was so ashamed and beat myself up over how stupid I must have been to be so taken in. And now I feel shame for not pressing charges. But at the time I my coworkers knew this horrible story about me. I didn't want anyone knowing about my sexual history, as tame as it was. I didn't think my parents would support me. I think they'd have berated me and accuse me of doing something inappropriate to make him think it was "ok".


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